Imagine it, you will realize it.

You would say “I can’t” when you practice Taekwondo.

When you feel that you can’t do what you have to do or what you want to do, look yourself honestly and think carefully what really makes you can’t do it. Then you’ll figure out these in most cases.

You never try it previously.

You don’t know how to do it exactly.

You don’t like it actually.

You can say that in other ways, but those are same. You could be intimidated about what you never try before.

Just do it!

Try it for fun in extremely easy way.



Of course it may look ugly and way different from what you expected at the first time. The significance of “trying” is this; you are not intimidated, scared, hesitated, or indecisive any more. You have got a confidence!

You would say “I don’t like it.” about what you haven’t done before. You Just don’t know how to do it.

Once you get the hang of it, you will like it.

If you don’t know how to do a difficult skill for example, then ask Masters, senior belts or friends to help and assist you to practice in efficient way. People who haven’t practiced Taekwondo can give you a good advice sometimes. Parents even though they haven’t done Taekwondo are always watching you and has a good insight so that they can tell you the differences what you are from what you expect.

Imagine it, you will realize it.


Master Kim, Taeyeob

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